Not only do their commerce buildings hardly give any income, but they actually increase the amount you sack and raid from enemies.Īs the Norsca are not horde factions like the Warriors of Chaos or Beastmen, their empire building is unique in that it supports their raiding lifestyle. If you thought the Greenskin and Vampire Counts had shit for economy, the Norsca will give you a new level of appreciation for the need to steal other people’s stuff. Similar to the Greenskins, the Norsca are primarily a raiding faction. Now if the campaign overview sounds fun, wait until you hear about how they actually play.

I didn’t put god damn flaming Chaos shrines on the back of my mammoths to get second billing in the destruction of the world. You didn’t raze all those cities and slaughter all those lords to bend a knee, did you? It’s a massive challenge to stand up to Archaon.

After that you’re given the choice to either follow Archaon and his Warriors of Chaos, or say fuck and declare yourself the true scion of the Dark Gods. How very Chaos.Īlign with a Dark God, beat your rivals, and it’s over? Nope. Be careful though, because once reaching maximum alignment you’ll have to vanquish challengers from each of the three gods you shunned. Align with the Serpent, and you’ll increase your replenishment rates and unleash a plague across all the other nations. Align with the Wolf, and you’ll get an attack bonus and a badass Hellcannon Regiment of Renown. If you just rush one, you can easily get to the max favor by turn 100.Įach of the four gods give distinct buffs, meaning Norsca has far more playtime that just adding a new legendary lord. Every time you ally yourself with one god you decrease your favor with the other gods, meaning that it’s actually impossible to gain favor with all four. You have to rack up 100 loyalty points, which can either be acquired through the new quest-like monster hunts or razing a settlement. As far as objectives go, it’s relatively fast to achieve. The goal for the two Norscan teams is to align themselves with one of the four Chaos Gods, then wipe the world of the Empire and Bretonnia. Man, I wish I could see the look on his face as he realizes he just brought a sword to a “trolls with massive hammers” fight There isn’t a clear winner between the two Legendary Lords, but I can’t deny the charming vulgarity of Throgg. They both have access to the same roster and win conditions, but the alteration in preferred unit type really makes the teams feel different. Spewing hot vomit at foes and forgoing any kind of mount, he kicks such savage ass that I almost felt bad for the world of man. He prefers the monstrous units like Trolls and Firmir to the squishy man-meats. The savage Wintertooth clan is led by the Troll King Throgg, who mostly cares for people as a side dishes to his mammoth steaks. “Just in case, I carry a skull of every size for every occasion!’ Ramp them up to level three pissed off, and they can punch far above their weight. Hardy men of the north, they gain constant buffs by sticking in combat and increasing their levels of rage/berserk. As a general, he grants bonuses to your Marauder infantry units. An unparalleled duelist, he can deal decisive blows to your foes by cutting the snake off at the head. As a unit, he has some truly devastating abilities that destroy the defenses of enemy lords and heroes. The Norsca are led by the legendary Wulfrik the Wanderer, champion of Chaos and mammoth riding badass. Similar to the Wood Elves, you start out your Norsca campaign picking between the Norsca and Wintertooth factions. It doesn’t come with a new mini-campaign like Call of the Beastmen or Rise of the Wood Elves, but at just $9 Norsca easily matches the $19 DLCs.

Like the Wood Elves and Beastmen before them, the Norsca are an entirely unique faction with a fresh new playstyle, objective, roster, and feel. That is not what we are getting with the Norsca DLC. A persistent threat since the first iteration of Total War: Warhammer, it would have been easy to add a few units, unlock the existing Norsca factions, and call it a day.