In my experience, however, combat scenarios are recycled so often that I was rarely challenged to change my tools and play style.
The crocodile Guapo is great for a full throttle approach, while the dog Chorizo will gladly distract enemies so you can finish them off with your machete. The second is companions, another element we’ve seen in previous Far Cry games. The first is a backpack that deals an ultimate attack of sorts, ranging from EMP shockwaves to a flurry of rockets. Two such tools are the Supremo and your Amigos. In practice, though, not having piercing rounds for an armored enemy isn’t the end of the world, when explosives and other bombastic tools exist. They can be turned into weapon suppressors, sights, and different ammo types that dispatch certain enemies more easily. Most of the crafting is done with materials lying around the world. Past crafting-related activities, such as hunting animals, are still present, but they no longer feel like the central focus. Enemies don’t offer much variety, and encounters almost always end up with you destroying a tank or a helicopter as a climax. It’s a foundation that has worked well ever since its implementation in Far Cry 3. It’s a cycle that is entertaining to take part in during the first few hours.

Image: Ubisoft Toronto/Ubisoft via Polygon You’ll infiltrate camps and outposts, either by going full throttle or taking a stealthy approach you’ll use a flamethrower to burn down a plantation you’ll face waves of enemies as you wait for a progress bar to fill. In classic Far Cry fashion, this means traveling through a massive open-world setting, taking on missions from each of these groups with objectives that Far Cry has leaned on hundreds of times before. But once the moment comes, you decide to stay and help, accepting the task of convincing three factions to join forces and take down Castillo. You survive, and agree to help the revolutionary group Libertad in exchange for another boat to the United States. Through the eyes of Dani Rojas (a character that can be either male or female), you take part in the fight against this new dictatorship, after Castillo apprehends and executes a group of Yarans fleeing for Miami. And like its island setting, Far Cry 6 feels like history repeating itself - a perfect showcase for how Far Cry as a whole is frozen in time.

Yara, the Cuba-inspired region in which Far Cry 6 takes place, is introduced as a “tropical paradise frozen in time.” Its people once raised arms to overthrow a dictator, but now, his son Antón Castillo (voiced by Afro-Italian actor Giancarlo Esposito) is following in his footsteps, deploying the military in every corner and disposing of anyone who isn’t what he calls a “True Yaran.” History begins to repeat itself through abusive and exploitative practices, while the country burns and progress is measured in blood.